Sunday, April 28, 2024

Smudging Tips & Tricks: How To Sage Your House & Get Rid Of Bad Energy

how to cleanse your house with sage

Please be as careful with your smoldering sage stick as you would be with a lit candle! Use a bowl or tray of sand, a rock, or a fireproof bowl or plate to put out the fire. Don’t extinguish your sage in water because it will ruin the tip! Instead, put it out in a small bowl of sand or in a bowl or container that’s oven-proof or fireproof. Be very careful that the sage is completely extinguished, and don’t leave it next to anything that’s flammable.

This 'shaman' charges thousands to protect your wardrobe from spirits - New York Post

This 'shaman' charges thousands to protect your wardrobe from spirits.

Posted: Sat, 08 Jul 2017 07:00:00 GMT [source]

What is smudging?

You need to let somebody else use sage to energetically clear your house, and make sure all the smoke is gone before you go back in! I have other options for people who just can’t burn sage at the end of this article. Incense comes in many evocative scents and uses herbs and plants and natural compounds as its base usually.

What is sage used for spiritually?

This may help you establish a positive environment for meditation or another ritual. Choosing to sit and let go of negative thoughts in a ritual like this sets your intention and dedication to self-improvement. Choosing to engage in ritual can be the beginning of your change in mindset. Read on to learn more about the benefits of burning sage and how you can use it to improve your overall well-being. Any good sage cleanse first begins with an expressed purpose, mantra, affirmation or even a prayer. Think of it like you are telling the universe what you need.

Smudging an Office Space

The traditional method of smudging involved burning sacred plants and herbs in a small bowl, or over an open fire. The modern approach to smudging lets you cleanse your home using a smudging stick or bundle made of sage and other plants and herbs tied together. Smudge sticks are easier to use and less likely to cause a fire than traditional methods. If you really want to give your cleanse session the full ceremonial treatment, you can create an altar for your supplies on any flat, raised surface—like a table, a bookshelf, or a bedside stand.

How to Sage Your House to Get Rid of Negative Energy

Feel them expand throughout your home with every billow of smoke. Plus, there's going to be a lot of smoke when you first begin, so being near an open door is wise. If your intention is set in a respective, mindful manner, then you are good to go. If you realize your mind is wandering, don’t beat yourself up, simply get yourself back on track and continue to recite your mantra again.

You might always want to keep your hair up, and you’ll probably want to wear black–you’re going to get some ash on you. Smudging isn't permanent and will need to be repeated eventually. I smudge my house usually twice a year, but once a month is better. Choose a smudging herb that you like—one whose energy and aroma is agreeable to you. Hold it between your palms and thank it for lending its energy to your rite. I’ve found that the smudging debate gets routinely re-ignited by well-meaning but easily offended people.

A-Z Guide For Burning Sage: History, Benefits, & How-To Smudge!

Smudging uses the natural qualities of aromatic plants, along with the smudger’s prayers and intentions, to improve the psychic environment. While you can of course sage every room, definitely make sure to focus on the most highly trafficked rooms, as this is where people’s energy gathers. Walking in a circular motion like this for a ritual purpose is called circumambulation and began in sacred rituals and ceremonies. Line the doorways to rid them of energy that enters your home to protect your space. Ensure that the smoke enters your closets and other crevices of your home.

how to cleanse your house with sage

Sage cleansing your home can also help you:

It’s a practice that not only shifts the energy in your environment, but it revitalizes the soul. Smudging can ground you, cleanse in a way like no other, and can help you feel at home on this big floating rock. Once you’ve cleansed yourself and space, the energy often relaxes. This is the time for you to fill the space with positive energy. You can do this with music or mantra chanting as you walk about.

May the [project, artwork, contract, etc.] I feel within my heart come to fruition in a form that benefits my highest good. May it be manifested into the form that best expresses its truth. I give my gratitude to this home for creating a container that held me and watched me grow over the past ___ years. I honor the completion of our karmic cycle together and I call in the next cycle that is aligned with my highest spirit and the highest spirit of this home. May we call in the person that is in perfect alignment to tend to this space. Traditionally, an Abalone Shell is used, but if you don’t have one, you can use a small pottery bowl or some other type of fireproof dish.

Supernatural Cleaning Methods - The New York Times

Supernatural Cleaning Methods.

Posted: Wed, 29 Oct 2008 07:00:00 GMT [source]

For instance, black tourmaline is a protective crystal that absorbs depression and negative energy. Rose quartz opens the heart chakra, while amethyst helps with intention setting, and citrine allows you to manifest your dreams. If you have a favorite that works for you, place it in rooms where the bad energy seems to collect. The act of smudging involves holding the smudge stick and letting the smoke waft through a space so it can effectively cleanse, purify, and change the energy in the room.

Additionally, sage as a herb is known to treat anxiety and stress as well as boost one's mood, and is commonly burned when moving into a new home or at the beginning of a new year. While burning sage can encourage sleep, enhance cognitive thought, and mop up bad bacteria in the air, it also comes with a whole host of spiritual benefits too. The spiritual elements of sage are what has cemented it clearly within cultures that connect with spiritual practices and cleansing rituals. Here we look at a handful of ways in which sage can benefit your soul. One of the easiest and quickest ways to for getting rid of negative energy, Sage had been considered a sacred plant by Native Americans for thousands of years.

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